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The Kinfolk style: Connecting with nature and people

by | Feb 6. Feb 2023 | Decoration, Lifestyle

As the seasons change, a global trend becomes evident: the quest to live with a decorative style that focuses on connecting with nature and people. Kinfolk style is a modern movement focused on sustainability and environmental stewardship, as well as creating meaningful relationships with others. In this article, you'll discover the history behind the Kinfolk movement and how you can adopt it as part of your decorating style.

The origin of the kinfolk style and its history

Kinfolk style emerged in the early 2010s as a response to a consumerist and increasingly technological culture. The eponymous brand, Kinfolk, founded by Nathan Williams in 2011, published its first eponymous magazine in 2011, which became a platform for sharing ideas and trends related to a minimalist and authentic lifestyle.

The Kinfolk magazine and brand focused on the idea of living simply and meaningfully, with a focus on connecting with nature and people. Kinfolk's natural, minimalist aesthetic quickly became a popular trend in interior design, fashion and food.

Over time, the Kinfolk style has evolved and expanded globally, inspiring people around the world to live more consciously and sustainably. The Kinfolk brand continues to be a leading platform for promoting a minimalist and authentic lifestyle, and its impact on popular culture remains significant to this day.

What is the kinfolk style?

The Kinfolk style focuses on simplicity and quality of life. It is about connecting with nature and people, and valuing what is important. People who adopt the Kinfolk style seek a simpler and more natural way of living, rather than the materialistic and superficial lifestyle that predominates in our society. The goal is to reduce unnecessary consumption, simplify daily tasks and focus on the essentials.

Kinfolk style

source: kinfolk magazine

Interior decoration with Kinfolk style

Kinfolk style interior decorating is a sustainable way to connect with nature and people. For many, the Kinfolk style is simple, elegant and cozy. It is characterized by the use of natural materials and vintage elements, as well as the creation of warm and cozy spaces. The key elements of this style are wood, natural textiles, neutral colors such as beige, white or gray, and generally soft textures. As it is based on reconnecting with nature, it is also important to include biophilia within the home (if you want to know some tips for taking care of your plants, read this article). The goal of the Kinfolk style is to create a home that reflects the values of simplicity, coziness and love for nature.

Kinfolk style fashion

The Kinfolk style in fashion is characterized by its simplicity and its focus on comfort and functionality. It is a natural, minimalist aesthetic, with comfortable and versatile garments that can be worn in everyday life. It is inspired by nature and country life, and is characterized by a relaxed and comfortable aesthetic. It is a fashion that is not only timeless, but also sustainable and environmentally friendly. It is a way of dressing that focuses on the quality and durability of the garments, rather than following the latest trends. Kinfolk clothing is usually in neutral colors and is complemented by natural accessories such as wide-brimmed hats, country boots and leather bags.

kinfolk: style that connects with people and nature

source: kinfolk magazine

The materials used in Kinfolk clothing are often organic and sustainable, and quality and durability are valued over the seasonality of trends. Soft, lightweight fabrics such as wool, cotton and linen are popular, as are understated prints and stripes.

Food with kinfolk style

Kinfolk-style food is a way of life. It's a philosophy that focuses on simplicity and a return to the roots. It's about going back to the natural, growing our own vegetables in our own garden, cooking fresh and healthy food. All this is done in harmony with nature and in respect for animals.

source: kinfolk magazine

The food is fresh, preferably locally sourced and seasonal, and special attention is paid to the presentation of the dishes. The idea is to create a cozy and relaxed atmosphere to share food with friends and family.

Some keys to adopting the Kinfolk style in your life

There are many ways to adopt the Kinfolk style in your life. Some keys that will help you connect with nature and people are:

  1. Simplify your life. Look for beauty in the simple and get rid of the superfluous. Make room for the essentials and enjoy the little things.
  2. Connect with nature. Get out of the city, breathe fresh air and get in touch with Mother Earth. Enjoy the benefits of natural remedies, such as essential oil or herbal tea.
  3. Find your purpose. Live with intention and seek out activities that bring you personal satisfaction. Spend time on what really matters to you, whether it's your family, your work or your favorite hobby.
  4. Values interpersonal relationships. Relationships are an essential part of the Kinfolk style. Invite friends and family over to share a simple but delicious meal, play

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