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8 bio tricks to renovate your home

by | Nov 13, 2023 | Decoration

Today, conscious and healthy interior design is gaining popularity as more and more people seek to create spaces in their homes that promote wellness and harmony. Biointeriorism focuses on using natural materials and elements that are respectful of the environment and our health. In this article, we will give you 8 bio tips to renovate your home, so you can enjoy a healthy and balanced environment.

Use environmentally friendly paints

ecological paints

Conventional paints contain toxics that can be harmful to our health and the environment. Opt for water-based paints with low volatile organic compound (VOC) content. In addition to being healthier, these paints are also environmentally friendly. If you want to learn more about this topic, you can read this article about the secrets of ecological paints.


Paint your walls with eco-friendly paint in soft colors that convey calm and tranquility.

Choose natural materials

Bamboo flooring

When renovating your home, opt for natural materials such as wood, bamboo or stone. These materials are sustainable and bring warmth and beauty to the spaces.


Replace plastic furniture with solid wood furniture, which, besides being more durable, will give an elegant look to your home.

Take advantage of natural light

Interior design and renovation of a summer house in Busot, Alicante, Spain

Natural lighting is essential for our health and well-being. Another bio trick that you can easily implement is to open the curtains during the day and let sunlight into your home. Also, avoid using light bulbs with a temperature below 4000ºK (cold light) and opt for warm LED bulbs that do not flicker ( flicker effect).


Place mirrors strategically to reflect natural light and make spaces appear larger and brighter, but never in front of doors or windows.

Care for the quality of the air

Interior design and bathroom reform in Alicante

The air we breathe in our home can be loaded with toxic substances and foul. A daily ventilation is essential to control these aspects. In winter, try to ventilate at midday so that your house does not lose too much temperature. And if you are in summer, in the early hours of the morning is ideal for cooling.


If you have tilt-and-turn and/or casement windows, generating a small current for 10 minutes a day will be sufficient.

Natural cleaning product organic tricks

Eliminates chemicals

Many conventional cleaning products contain chemicals that are harmful to our health and the environment. Opt for eco-friendly cleaning products or make your own homemade products using natural ingredients such as vinegar, baking soda or lemon.


Prepare a multi-purpose cleaner by mixing water, vinegar and a few drops of lemon essential oil. This way, you will be eliminating harmful chemicals from your home.

Choose ergonomic furniture

Ergonomics is essential for our health, especially if we spend long hours sitting at the computer or on the sofa. Choose chairs and sofas that fit your posture and provide good lumbar support. To do this it is essential to test the article since each body has its own particular bone and muscle structure, this being a very personal aspect.


Choose an ergonomic office chair that adapts to your study or work pace.

Creates green spaces

Plants not only decorate our spaces, they also help us connect with nature and improve our health. Create green corners in your home using hanging pots, shelves or even a vertical garden. This bio trick, besides helping you to purify the environment, will allow you to reconnect with nature, bringing you tranquility and well-being.


Place a peace lily or sanseviera in your living room to filter the air and create a healthier environment.

Promotes organization and order

A tidy and organized home contributes to our mental well-being. Get rid of what you don't need and use practical and aesthetic storage solutions to keep your spaces free of clutter.


Use wicker baskets or wooden boxes to organize your items and keep everything in its place.

Renovating your home following the principles of biointeriorism and conscious interior design can bring you numerous benefits for your health and well-being. By using eco-friendly paints, natural materials, taking advantage of natural light, taking care of air quality, eliminating chemicals, choosing ergonomic furniture, creating green spaces and promoting organization, you will be transforming your home into a healthy place in harmony with nature. Don't wait any longer and start applying these bio tips in your home renovation!

Let me know how it looks on you or if you have any questions, I'll read you in the comments....

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